There are three commands that the calling program can use:
BMP_Temp(Celsius, Fahrenheit);
BMP_Pressure(Pascals, Station, MSLP);
The first loads in the calibration constants from the sensor which need be done only once at power-up. The next fetches the temperature, while the last gets the atmospheric pressure readings in Pascals, the station pressure in inches of mercury, and the mean sea-level pressure in inches of mercury.
BMP_Temp() should be called each time before (BMP_Pressure), since atmospheric pressure depends upon the current temperature.
Compilation Constants
The calling program may also set the following conditional compilation constants, shown here with sample values. They're explained more fully in the source code.
// required: your altitude in meters
// optional: oversampling mode desired
// optional: tweak station pressure
// optional: tweak MSLP
// optional: End-Of-Conversion port
// optional: its pin number
The two fudge-factors can be used to diddle the pressure to match an existing nearby barometer, else just use the defaults of zero. The numbers are in hundredths of an inch of mercury.
If the EOC pin on the BMP085 is not used, then fixed conversion times are employed. They depend on the oversampling mode in play.
Finally, don't forget to set the I2C pins (required). For example,
{$DEFINE SDA_PORT 'PortB'} // I2C SDA port
{$DEFINE SDA_PIN 0} // and its pin number
{$DEFINE SCL_PORT 'PortB'} // I2C SCL port
{$DEFINE SCL_PIN 1} // and its pin number
The data direction register (TRIS) of any pins used is set automatically.
Here are the details on the commands:
procedure BMP_Init;
This should be called at power-up (reset). The calibration constants, some signed and some unsigned, are read in as 16-bit values, but promoted to 32-bits.
procedure BMP_Temp(var BMPCels, BMPFahr : integer);
Return temperature in Celsius and in Fahrenheit, in units of 0.1 degree.
procedure BMP_Pressure(var pascals : longword; var station, mslp : integer); Fetch atmospheric pressure:
pascals : atmospheric pressure in Pascals
station : station pressure in hundredths of inches of mercury
mslp : mean sea level pressure in hundredths of inches of mercury
Add It to Your Library Collection
And here's the new library unit, "BMP085_180.pas" for you to download:
Be sure to read over the source code for additional details on how to use it.
Try It Out
If you'd like to see it in operation, then head over to the exercises to try out the barometer sensor project. Click here to go to it.
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