TI83+ Calculator Unit

This is a new library unit for communicating with the TI83+ graphing calculator. It uses the Texas Instruments TI-Link protocol. It should be possible to modify this for other TI calculators.


If you’re not familiar with the TI-83 Plus graphing calculator, let me mention that it easily handles fourteen-digit floating point calculations, roots, exponentials, logarithms, trigonometric functions, even matrix algebra, complex numbers and numerical calculus. All of these features become instantly available to your microcontroller projects with this library unit.

But there’s more. Data logging is a piece of cake, thanks to the large memory of the calculator and the data can be stored in vector or matrix form for further manipulations. If statistical analysis is up your alley, then look for the seven different probability distributions within the calculator.

Maybe the most intriguing application of all is direct manipulation of the calculator’s LCD screen by pixel or by character for meaningful visual displays.

Before I forget, thanks go to Philippe Paternotte for make some suggestions during the creation of this.

Compilation Constants

There are three compilation constants required of this library unit to establish which port pins will be used for the communication. For example:

{$DEFINE TI_Port 'PortB'}  // use B.0 and B.1
{$DEFINE TI_Tip 0}
{$DEFINE TI_Ring 1}


There are zillions of things the TI83+ calculator can do, but you access all of those by means of the following five commands only:

procedure getByte(var param : byte);
get a single byte

procedure sendByte(param : byte);
send a single byte

procedure sendCmd(command : word);
send a 16-bit key command

procedure sendNum(name : char; value : string);
send a real number

procedure getNum(name : char; var value : string);
get a real number

Be sure to check out the demo here to find out where to learn about all of the TI83+ commands you can now access.

Add It to Your Library Collection

You can fetch the TI-Link library unit here:

Be sure to read over the source code for additional details on how to use it.

Try It Out

Click here to go to the TI83+ demo using the TI-Link communication protocol.

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